Wednesday, December 5, 2012

History of Gaza Strip

 In the 1880's Jewish people and the Arabs claiming the same area  of land was the root to this conflict.
The Jewish people had a strong desire to return to their land of origin, but during that time Palestine was populated by Arabs.  They didn't like the fact that the Jewish people were settling and calling Palestine their own land.   What I don't understand is why could they live comparatively tranquil while the British controlled the land from 1917-1947.  It seems only when the Britain handed over the issue to the United Nations and they created boundaries,  which created the independent state of Israel is when the conflict began.

Why was there such a problem?  They seemed to be coexisting for 30 years with no conflict, until the United Nations got involved.  
In 1948 The Israel-Egypt Armistice Agreement established the separation line between Egyptian and Israeli forces these are the present boundaries.   Gaza Strip was administered by an Egyptian military governor until Israel captured the Gaza strip from Egypt and occupied it in 1967.

Was it religion that started this war, or was it the United Nations getting involved and giving Israel a piece if land in the Middle East to call home.  Maybe if the United Nations just controlled the land as the Britain did, the two could still be coexisting together without so much  death and conflict.  At this point I think politics got involvled and it cause alot of deaths and wars.

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