Monday, December 10, 2012

Conspiracy Theories

When all is said and done…do we really believe everything we hear about September 11, 2001?
They want us to believe what they are telling us, but is it really the truth? We don’t know what is behind the true story and we may never find out. There are a lot of questions out there that the answers just don’t make sense or that aren't answered.

When I was doing my research I found so many theories of what could have actually taken place, and to be honest a lot of the stories could work. Who’s to say it wasn't just a big cover up? Did President Bush really want to finish what his father started when he was in the white house? Did we know the attacks were going to happen but did nothing to prevent them?

All questions that the answer is hard to come by…I highly doubt they would actually release something saying we knew this was going to happen and we did nothing to prevent it…I just don’t see that happening. I don’t believe that the truth will ever come out; I however do believe that signs and warnings were ignored.
The NY Times ran a story that Bush didn't listen to the warnings…I wonder if it’s true or not?

While doing my research what came across as really odd was that many Americans believe that 9/11 was an inside job….that really doesn't surprise me. So if it was an inside job why would al-Qaeda take responsibility? Is that just a cover up from the government to take us to war to show the world what we can do?  

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